AVERAGE: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Hey there my fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts! Today, I want to chat with you about one of the most commonly used formulas in Google Sheets that has saved me so much time and effort: the AVERAGE function. If you're not already using this formula, it's time to jump on the bandwagon!

First, let's break down what the AVERAGE formula actually does. Essentially, it calculates the arithmetic mean for a specified range of cells. This means that if you have a list of numbers, you can use the AVERAGE formula to find the average value of those numbers all in one go.

So, how do we actually use the AVERAGE formula in Google Sheets? It's super easy! All you have to do is type "AVERAGE," followed by an open parenthesis, then highlight the range of cells you want to find the average of, and close the parenthesis. Boom! You now have the average value of those cells.

Let's say, for example, that you have a list of sales figures for the last quarter. You want to know what the average sales amount was during that time period. Instead of manually calculating the average yourself (which let's be real, who has time for that?), you can use the AVERAGE formula to do it for you.

All you have to do is type "=AVERAGE(" and then highlight the range of cells that contain the sales figures. Hit enter, and voila! You now have the average sales figure for that time period.

One thing to note about the AVERAGE formula is that it only works with numerical values. If you have any text values in the range of cells you're trying to find the average of, the formula won't work. So make sure you only include numerical values in your range selection.

Another awesome thing about the AVERAGE formula is that it can actually handle multiple range selections. This means that if you have sales figures for multiple quarters, you can use the AVERAGE formula to calculate the average sales figure for the entire year.

All you have to do is type "=AVERAGE(" and then select your first range of cells, followed by a comma and your second range of cells. Keep adding as many ranges as you need, each separated by a comma, and then close the parenthesis. Hit enter, and boom! You now have the average sales figure for the entire year.

Now, let's talk about a couple of other useful variations of the AVERAGE formula. The first is the AVERAGEIF function, which allows you to find the average of a range of cells, but only for cells that meet a certain criteria.

For example, let's say you have a list of sales figures for different products, but you only want to find the average sales figure for one specific product. You can use the AVERAGEIF function to do this by typing "=AVERAGEIF(" followed by the range of cells you want to search for the criteria, the criteria itself in quotes, and then the range of cells you want to find the average of. Hit enter, and now you have the average sales figure for that specific product.

The second variation is the AVERAGEIFS function, which allows you to find the average of a range of cells based on multiple criteria. This can be super useful if you're trying to narrow down a specific subset of data.

To use the AVERAGEIFS function, just type "=AVERAGEIFS(" followed by the range of cells you want to find the average of, the criteria range and criteria for the first condition, followed by another criteria range and criteria for the second condition (and so on if needed). Hit enter, and now you have the average value for the cells that meet all of the specified criteria.

So there you have it, folks! A quick rundown of the AVERAGE formula and all the useful variations that come with it. Hopefully, this has helped you streamline your spreadsheet processes and saved you some time along the way. Happy calculating!

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