EFFECT: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Hey there! If you're reading this article, then you're probably already familiar with Google Sheets. You might be using it to keep track of your finances, analyze data, or even organize your recipes (hey, we don't judge).

But have you ever wondered how you can take your Google Sheets skills to the next level? Well, my friend, that's where formulas come in.

What Are Formulas?

Formulas are essentially equations that you can create within Google Sheets to help automate tasks, analyze data, and streamline your workflow. They can range from simple calculations, such as adding up a column of numbers, to complex functions that can help you make sense of large sets of data.

But, I get it. For some people, the idea of working with formulas can be intimidating. That's why I'm here to break it down for you.

The Basics: Sum and Average

Let's start with the basics: the SUM formula. This one's pretty simple. All you have to do is highlight the range of cells you want to add up and type "=SUM", followed by the range of cells in parentheses.


This will add up all of the values in cells A1 through A10. Easy, right?

The AVERAGE formula works in a similar way. Just replace "SUM" with "AVERAGE".


This will give you the average of the values in cells A1 through A10.

Functions: IF, COUNTIF, and VLOOKUP

Now, let's move on to some more complex formulas. Don't worry, though - they're still easy to use!


The IF function allows you to set conditions to determine what a certain cell should display based on data in other cells. Here's an example:

=IF(A1>10, "Big", "Small")

This formula checks whether the value in cell A1 is greater than 10. If it is, the cell with the formula will display "Big". If it's not, it will display "Small". Pretty nifty, huh?


The COUNTIF formula allows you to count the number of cells in a range that meet certain criteria. For example:

=COUNTIF(A1:A10, ">5")

This will count the number of cells in the range A1 through A10 that have a value greater than 5.


The VLOOKUP formula is a bit more advanced, but it can be incredibly useful. It allows you to search for a certain value in a table and return a corresponding value from a different column in that table. Here's an example:

=VLOOKUP(D2, A1:B10, 2, FALSE)

This formula searches for the value in cell D2 within the range A1 through B10. When it finds a match, it returns the value in the second column of that range. The "FALSE" at the end specifies that it should only return an exact match.

The Power of Concatenation

One of the coolest things you can do with formulas is concatenate text. This means you can combine text from different cells to create a single, cohesive string. Here's an example:

=CONCATENATE(A1," ",B1," has a score of ",C1,"!")

This formula takes the values from cells A1, B1, and C1 and combines them into one sentence. So if A1 contained "John", B1 contained "Smith", and C1 contained "100", the formula would display "John Smith has a score of 100!".

The Wrap-Up

So, there you have it. A brief introduction to some of the most common Google Sheets formulas. There are plenty more out there, but these should be enough to get you started.

Remember, formulas are a powerful tool, but they're also meant to make your life easier. Don't be afraid to experiment and find new ways to streamline your workflow. And, if all else fails, just Google it!

Thanks for reading, and happy formula-ing!

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