GOOGLETRANSLATE: Google Sheets formulas explained

Hey there fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts! If you're like me, you love Google Sheets and all the amazing things you can do with it. But sometimes, all those formulas and functions can be a bit overwhelming. That's where I come in! In this post, I'm going to break down some of the most useful Google Sheets formulas and explain how to use them.

1. SUM

The SUM formula is a basic but essential tool in Google Sheets. It allows you to quickly find the sum of a range of cells. To use it, simply select the range of cells you want to add up and type "=SUM()" into the formula bar. Inside the parentheses, enter the range of cells you want to add up. For example, "=SUM(A1:A10)" will give you the sum of cells A1 through A10.


Similar to the SUM formula, the AVERAGE formula allows you to find the average of a range of cells. To use it, follow the same steps as for the SUM formula, but replace "SUM" with "AVERAGE". For example, "=AVERAGE(A1:A10)" will give you the average of cells A1 through A10.


The COUNT formula is a handy tool for quickly finding the number of cells in a range that contain numerical values. To use it, simply select the range of cells you want to count and type "=COUNT()" into the formula bar. Inside the parentheses, enter the range of cells you want to count. For example, "=COUNT(A1:A10)" will give you the number of cells in A1 through A10 that contain numerical values.


The CONCATENATE formula is a bit more advanced than the previous formulas, but it's incredibly useful. It allows you to combine the contents of two or more cells into one cell. To use it, type "=CONCATENATE()" into the formula bar, and inside the parentheses, enter the cells you want to combine. For example, "=CONCATENATE(A1, B1)" will combine the contents of cells A1 and B1 into one cell.

5. IF

The IF formula is a powerful tool for creating conditional statements in your spreadsheet. It allows you to specify a condition, and then tell the spreadsheet what to do if that condition is met. To use it, type "=IF()" into the formula bar, and inside the parentheses, enter the condition, the value to return if the condition is met, and the value to return if the condition is not met. For example, "=IF(A1>10, "Yes", "No")" will return "Yes" if cell A1 is greater than 10, and "No" if it is not.


The VLOOKUP formula is a bit more complex, but it's incredibly useful for finding information in large datasets. It allows you to search for a specific value in a table, and then return a corresponding value from that table. To use it, type "=VLOOKUP()" into the formula bar, and inside the parentheses, enter the value you want to search for, the range of cells containing the table, the column containing the corresponding values, and whether you want an exact match or an approximate match. For example, "=VLOOKUP("Bob", A1:B10, 2, false)" will search for "Bob" in the first column of cells A1 through B10, and return the corresponding value in the second column.


The FILTER formula is a fantastic tool for filtering large datasets. It allows you to specify a condition, and then display only the rows in a table that meet that condition. To use it, type "=FILTER()" into the formula bar, and inside the parentheses, enter the range of cells containing the table, and the condition you want to filter by. For example, "=FILTER(A1:C10, B1:B10 > 10)" will display only the rows in the table contained in cells A1 through C10 where the value in column B is greater than 10.

Well, there you have it, folks! Some of the most useful Google Sheets formulas explained. With these tools in your arsenal, you'll be able to tackle even the most complex spreadsheets like a pro. Happy formula-ing!

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