NA: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Google Sheets is an absolute lifesaver when it comes to keeping track of important data on the go. It's versatile, easy to use, and an excellent alternative to more heavy-duty tools like Excel. But when it comes to mastering the ins and outs of Google Sheets formulas, it can be a bit overwhelming. Coming from someone who has been on the spreadsheet struggle bus, let me help you navigate the world of Google Sheets formulas.

Sum Function

Let's start with a classic: the SUM function. This function is used to add up a range of numbers in your spreadsheet. To use it, all you need to do is select the cell where you want the sum to appear, type =SUM(, and then highlight the range of cells you want to add. Easy-peasy.

Count Function

Next up, we have the COUNT function. This one is used to count the number of cells in a range that contain a number. To use it, simply type =COUNT(, and then highlight the range of cells you want to count. This function is super useful for counting things like survey responses or inventory items.

Average Function

The AVERAGE function is used to find the average value of a range of numbers. To use it, type =AVERAGE(, and then highlight the range of cells you want to average. This is an excellent tool for getting an idea of the general trending of a data set.

Max and Min Functions

The MAX and MIN functions are used to find the highest and lowest values in a range, respectively. To use the MAX function, type =MAX(, and then highlight the range of cells you want to compare. To use the MIN function, do the same thing but with "MIN" instead of "MAX." These functions are perfect for finding things like the highest and lowest sales numbers in a given month or quarter.

Concatenate Function

The CONCATENATE function is used to combine two or more cells into one. To use it, type =CONCATENATE(, and then list the cells or words you want to combine inside the parentheses separated by commas. This function can be super handy when you need to combine names, addresses, or any other type of information into one cell.

If Function

The IF function is used to create logical statements in your spreadsheet. For example, if I wanted a cell to say "Yes" if the sales number was above a certain amount and "No" if it wasn't, I would use the IF function to create that statement. To use it, type =IF(, and then create your logical statement inside the parentheses. This function can be a bit trickier than the others, but it's incredibly powerful once you get the hang of it.

Vlookup Function

The Vlookup function is used to search for specific data within a range or table. To use it, type =VLOOKUP(, and then list the value you're searching for, the range you want to search within, and the column where the data is located. This function can be a bit more advanced, but it's excellent for finding specific data within large spreadsheets.


And there you have it! A brief introduction to some of the most useful Google Sheets formulas. There are plenty more out there, but mastering these basic formulas will put you well on your way to becoming a Google Sheets pro. Happy spreadsheet-ing!

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