SECH: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Hey fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts!

As a marketer, I’ve dabbled in using spreadsheets for all sorts of purposes, from tracking projects to analyzing data. And if you're anything like me, you probably know that Google Sheets is a powerful tool that can help you manipulate and analyze your numbers like a boss.

But, with great power comes great responsibility, and in this case, knowing the right formulas is essential for making the most out of Google Sheets. That's why I've come up with “SECH”—a collection of the most useful formulas that can help you optimize your spreadsheets!

The Magic of SECH

If there’s anything that can help you save time and effort, it’s SECH!


SUMIF is a formula that allows you to sum up only the cells that meet a specific criterion or condition. It is perfect when you want to selectively sum values in a spreadsheet. Here’s how it works:

=SUMIF(range, criterion, [sum_range])

For example, if you want to sum all orders that exceed $500, the formula would be:

=SUMIF(A2:A10, ">500", B2:B10)

This formula will only sum the values in column B when the corresponding cells in column A exceed 500.


EXACT is an extremely useful formula for comparing text in Google Sheets. It returns TRUE if two pieces of text are identical and FALSE if they aren't. Here's how to use it:

=EXACT(text1, text2)

If you have two pieces of text that need to be compared, you can plug them into the formula, and it will tell you whether they are an exact match or not. For example, if you have two lists of names, you can use the EXACT formula to see which names appear on both lists.


Have you ever wanted to combine two separate cells into one? This is where CONCATENATE comes in! The CONCATENATE formula allows you to join together the contents of two or more cells into one cell. Here's how to use it:

=CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], [text3], …)

For example, let's say you have someone's first name in cell A1 and their last name in cell B1. You can use the CONCATENATE formula to combine them into one cell like this:


This formula would return the person's full name as a single cell.


The HLOOKUP formula is a horizontal lookup that searches for a value in the top row of a table or range of cells and returns a value in the same column, based on the row you specify. Here's how to use it:

=HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])

For example, let's say you have a table that shows the sales data for your business for the first quarter:

January February March
Sales $500 $600 $700

If you want to find out the sales for February, you can use the HLOOKUP formula like this:

=HLOOKUP("February", A1:D2, 2, FALSE)

This will return the value $600, which is the sales figure for February.

SECH Recap

Each of these formulas has its own unique use case, but when used together, they form SECH—an acronym that makes it easy to remember them all! Remember, using these formulas isn't just about saving time, it's also about ensuring accuracy and reducing the chances of errors creeping into your data.

The Importance of Spreadsheets for Marketers

As marketers, we’re constantly working with numbers and data. Whether we’re analyzing website traffic, monitoring ad campaign performance, or tracking customer behavior, spreadsheets play a key role in helping us make sense of all this information.

Google Sheets is particularly useful for marketers because it’s free, cloud-based, and easily shareable. This means that you can collaborate with team members in real-time, and everyone can access the most up-to-date version of the spreadsheet. Plus, because it’s cloud-based, you don’t have to worry about losing your data if your computer crashes.

Another advantage of using Google Sheets is that it integrates with other Google products like Google Forms and Google Analytics. This makes it easy to import data into your spreadsheet and analyze it right alongside your other data.

But for all its advantages, Google Sheets can also be a bit overwhelming, especially if you're new to using spreadsheets. That's why it's important to learn the essential formulas that can help you get the most out of your spreadsheets. And that’s where SECH comes in!


Using these formulas can be a game-changer for marketers who want to manipulate and analyze data with ease and accuracy. Incorporating SECH into your workflow will allow for quicker decision-making, more accurate analysis, and, most importantly, give you more free time to spend doing whatever it is that you love.

I hope this article was helpful in explaining the magic of SECH and how it can help you make the most out of Google Sheets. Keep learning and stay curious, spreadsheet warriors!

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