SUMIF: Google Sheets Formulas Explained

Hey there, fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts! Are you tired of manually adding up numbers in your Google Sheets? Well, do I have some news for you! Today I'm going to teach you all about the SUMIF formula in Google Sheets and how it can make your life so much easier.

What is SUMIF?

You might be wondering what in the world SUMIF even stands for. Don't worry, I got you. SUMIF is a function in Google Sheets that allows you to sum up a range of cells based on a specific criterion.

For example, let's say you have a column of sales data and you want to find the total sales made by a particular salesperson. Instead of manually adding up all of their sales, you can use the SUMIF formula! Simply specify the range of sales data you want to add up, along with the criterion that the salesperson's name must match, and voila! The formula will do the work for you.

How to Use SUMIF

Before we dive into some examples, let's go over the basic syntax of the SUMIF formula:

=SUMIF(range, criterion, [sum_range])

The range parameter is the range of cells you want to evaluate for the criterion. The criterion parameter is the condition or criteria that must be met, and the sum_range parameter is the range of cells to be summed if their corresponding cells in the range meet the criterion.

Don't worry if this all seems a bit overwhelming at first. It will become more clear as we go over some examples.

Examples of SUMIF

Let's say you have a sheet that looks something like this:

Item Category Price
Shirt Clothing $15
Pants Clothing $25
Hat Accessories $10
Sunglasses Accessories $20

If you wanted to find the total price of all the clothing items, you could use the following formula:

=SUMIF(B2:B5, "Clothing", C2:C5)

Here, B2:B5 is the range of cells that specify the category, "Clothing" is the criterion we are looking for, and C2:C5 is the range of prices we want to sum if the criterion is met. The formula would return a result of $40, which is the total price of the clothing items.

Let's try another example. Imagine you have a sheet that tracks the number of hours each employee has worked each week:

Name Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Alice 40 35 43
Bob 30 25 28
Charlie 50 42 38

If you wanted to find the total number of hours worked by Alice, you could use the following formula:

=SUMIF(A2:A4, "Alice", B2:D4)

In this example, A2:A4 is the range of cells that specifies the names of the employees, "Alice" is the criterion we are looking for, and B2:D4 is the range of hours worked we want to sum if the criterion is met. The formula would return a result of 118, which is the total number of hours Alice worked over the three weeks.


And there you have it, folks! SUMIF might seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Next time you're manually adding up a bunch of numbers in your Google Sheets, remember that there's probably a formula that can do the work for you. So go forth and spreadsheet with confidence!

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