How to Make All Cells the Same Size in Google Sheets

For most of us, Google Sheets is an essential tool in our day-to-day operations, especially when it comes to keeping track of data and essential metrics. However, one of the annoying things when trying to organize data is realizing that the cells are not the same size, and we spend more time than we intended aligning them with one another. But here's good news; Google Sheets has built-in features that can help you make all cells the same size. With a few simple clicks, you'll be on your way to a more visually appealing and organized spreadsheet.

Method One: Resize Individual Cells

If you're working with a small dataset and only have a few rows or columns that need modification, this is the method for you. Hover your mouse on the column/row divider, and you'll notice it transform into a double-headed arrow. Once you've done that, click and drag the divider to your preferred size. You'll notice that the cells in that column/row will adjust to the width/height of your chosen size in real-time.

This method is helpful when working with specific sections of your spreadsheet, such as adjusting the height of a particular row to fit your content or widening a column to fit longer text to help improve visibility.

Method Two: Use the "Resize Columns" and "Resize Rows" Options

If you're working with a more comprehensive dataset and need to adjust multiple columns/rows, this method is more suitable. With this method, you can adjust the width/height of your entire dataset in one fell swoop.

Here's how to go about it:

  1. Select an Entire Row/Column
    1. Hover your mouse over the row/column number or letter you want to resize, and you'll notice it transforms into a drop-down arrow. When you see it, click once to highlight the entire row/column.
  2. Right-Click and Select "Resize Rows/Columns"
    1. Once you've highlighted the row/column, right-click, and select "Resize Rows" or "Resize Columns" from the subsequent drop-down menu.
  3. Enter Your Preferred Width/Height
    1. Upon opening the respective resize sections, you'll see a confirmation popup showing the current size (in pixels) of that row/column. To resize the row/column, just simply input your preferred width/height value in the text box and click "OK."

Easy, right?

Method Three: Use the "Fit to Data" Option

If you're unsure of what size limit would be appropriate for a particular data set, you don't need to worry. Google Sheets has a built-in feature that can adjust your columns/rows to fit the data they contain.

  • Select the Column/Row
  • Go to the "Format" Menu
  • Select "Auto fit column width"/"Auto fit row height"

A quick note that this option resizes columns or rows to fit the widest or tallest cell data in the selected column or row. For instance, if the widest cell data in column A is "excel," the column width adjusts to fit that data perfectly.


By now, you should be well-versed in how to make all cells the same size in Google Sheets. The ability to organize data more systematically and achieve a neat and orderly spreadsheet is a huge value-add for many of us who depend on it in our work or personal lives. Practice implementing these tips and tricks, and before you know it, you'll be a Google Sheets master in no time!

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