How to Make Bar Graphs in Google Sheets

Hi there! Are you struggling with creating bar graphs on Google Sheets? Fear not, because I am here to guide you through it, step by step. But first, let's talk about why you should be using bar graphs in the first place!

Bar graphs are not only visually appealing, but they also help to show comparisons between different sets of data. They are ideal for representing data in a simple and understandable way that can be easily interpreted by anyone who views them. So if you’re looking for a way to present your data in a clear and understandable way, then bar graphs are the way to go.

The Basics of Google Sheets

Now, before we dive into creating bar graphs, let's make sure we understand the basics of Google Sheets. Google Sheets, as you may already know, is a free, web-based spreadsheet program offered by Google. It allows you to create and share spreadsheets online and collaborate with others in real-time.

To create a new spreadsheet on Google Sheets, simply go to your Google Drive, click on “New” and then select “Google Sheets”. Pretty simple, right?

Creating a Basic Bar Graph

First, you will need some data that you want to graph. For the sake of this tutorial, let's say you have a list of monthly revenue figures that you want to represent on a bar graph. Here's how to make a simple bar graph on Google Sheets:

  1. Select the cells that contain the data you want to graph.
  2. Click on the “Insert” tab on the top menu and select “Chart”. A new window will pop up.
  3. In the "Chart type" section, select "Bar chart".
  4. The “Customize” tab will allow you to customise the chart title, axis and legend titles, data sheet, and more. Here, you can also choose whether you want to display your data in a vertical or horizontal bar chart.
  5. Click “Insert” and a new chart will appear in your Google Sheet, displaying your data in a bar graph!

And that's it! You now have a simple bar graph representing your data on Google Sheets.

Customising Your Bar Graph

But wait, there's more! To really make your bar graph stand out, you can customise it by changing the colour, orientation, and more. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the chart to select it. You will see a small toolbar on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Customize” tab to open up the customisation options.
  3. Under “Chart style”, you can change the style of your chart, including the background color, font, and more.
  4. Under “Series”, you can change the color, border thickness, and more of each bar on the chart.
  5. Under “Axis”, you can format the labels and the font size of your axis titles.

Customising your bar graph can take some time and experimentation, but it’s worth it in the end for a visually appealing graph that accurately represents your data!

Adding Data Labels

If you want to make it clear what each bar on your graph represents, you can add data labels. Here’s how:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click on “Customize”.
  3. Under “Data labels”, you can choose whether you want to display the labels inside the bars, outside the bars, or in the center.

Adding data labels is an easy way to make your data more understandable and visually appealing.

Sharing Your Bar Graph

Now that you have created your bar graph and customised it to your liking, you may want to share it with others.

To share your graph with others, simply click on the “Share” button on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Here, you can enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the graph with and decide on their level of visibility and edit rights.

Alternatively, you can also download the graph as an image by clicking on “Download” on the chart toolbar. From here, you can select the file format and resolution of your image and download it straight to your device.


Well, there you have it! You now know how to create and customise a bar graph to represent your data on Google Sheets. Remember, the key to creating a visually appealing chart is the experimentation and customisation of it. So, have fun playing around with the colours and formatting, and don't be afraid to share your graphs with others!

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