Loss: Explained

What is it, how to calculate it, formula, why it's important

Hey there, reader! Today, we’re going to talk about something that’s inevitable in every aspect of our lives - loss.

Loss can come in different forms. It can mean losing a loved one, a job, or even that last piece of pizza to your roommate. It’s a difficult subject to talk about, but it’s also something that can be empowering once you gain a better understanding of it.

Types of Loss

Before we dive into the details of loss, let's first differentiate the types of loss. Loss can be classified into two types - tangible and intangible.

Tangible Loss

Tangible loss refers to the loss of something that can be seen or touched. Examples of tangible loss include losing a car or a piece of jewelry, destruction of property, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Intangible Loss

On the other hand, intangible loss refers to the loss of something that cannot be seen or touched. This includes losing a job, a relationship, and even the loss of identity.

The Stages of Loss

When experiencing loss, it’s common to go through different stages of emotions. Knowing the different stages can help you better understand your emotions and help you navigate through the process of healing.


The first stage is denial. In this stage, you may refuse to believe that you’re experiencing loss, thinking that it’s just a temporary setback. You might avoid talking about it and try to brush it off.


The second stage is anger. At this stage, you might feel frustrated about your loss and feel like you’ve been treated unfairly. You might feel angry at yourself, others, or even the situation.


The third stage is bargaining. In this stage, you might try to negotiate with yourself, a higher power, or anyone you can to try and reverse your loss. You might feel like you could’ve done something differently to avoid the loss.


In the fourth stage, you might feel sad, empty, and hopeless. You might struggle with engaging in your usual activities or finding peace.


The last stage is acceptance. At this stage, you’ll come to terms with your loss and be able to move forward. You might start to feel a sense of peace, acceptance, and be able to find joy in your life again despite everything that has happened.

Coping with Loss

Coping with loss can be a challenging and emotional process. Here are a few ways that might help you cope better:

Seeking help

It’s okay to seek help from others when you’re experiencing loss. Whether it's from your family, friends, or a professional, talking about your emotions and experiences can help in the healing process.

Practicing Self Care

Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is essential when dealing with loss. This might mean getting enough sleep, eating well, or engaging in hobbies that make you feel good.

Changing Perspective

It might be hard to see positivity in the midst of loss, but changing your perspective on the situation can also help. Reframing your thoughts and finding ways to see your loss as an opportunity for growth and reflection can help transform the way you view the situation.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, experiencing loss is part of the human experience. It’s inevitable, and it can be painful, but it’s also an opportunity for growth, reflection and strength. Remember to take care of yourself, ask for help, and find ways to see loss as an opportunity. Before you know it, you'll be able to experience joy and happiness once again.

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